About Me
The only part of this website that’s all about me, me, me…

My name’s Tim, and I’m a copywriter in Nottingham, UK. With over 20 years of experience as a graphic designer and more than 40 of being alive, I’ve learned a lot about people.
I’ve also learned to listen, and to understand that through true listening comes empathy.
As a copywriter, that has proven invaluable. Understanding why a business has created a certain product or service and why its customers want or need that particular thing is vital to crafting the best words to link the two together.
Even though it is often created to sell something, I don’t see copywriting as ‘salesy’. I see it as a bridge, linking makers with buyers, searchers with solutions, and businesses with customers. And I use my skills as a writer to forge those finely crafted words that do just that.
And because those words are built on empathy, the bonds created between a business and its customers are stronger, longer lasting and loyal.
Despite a successful and enjoyable career as a graphic designer, the thing that actually sets my soul alight (alongside the African bushveldt, trail running and chocolate Hobnobs) is writing.
It’s through writing that I feel I can live my best life – and help companies and their customers to live theirs.
The truth is, I want your business to be successful forever. Why? Because if it is, then it can help people. It helps those looking for a great product or service to solve their problem to get that great product or service to solve their problem. And by being around forever, the business will provide jobs and careers for people, both locally, nationally and globally, creating economical growth at the same time. If I can help a business to do that, then that makes me feel fulfilled and very, very happy.
20 years in the publications industry has honed my creativity and made me deadline-driven. And whatever I do, I always strive to give my very best.
I agree with Steve Prefontaine in that regard:
“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.“
Steve Prefontaine, American long distance runner
And, on top of that, I’m a nice bloke and very easy to get on with. Just ask my mum.
As a copywriter in Nottingham (Arnold, to be precise), I find myself blessed to live in the heart of Robin Hood’s county. When I’m not writing I’m most likely to be found running in the woods, reading in the lounge or walking with the pooch.
Well, that’s the awkward bit out of the way. Your turn!
What’s your story…?

While it’s not my middle name, I’m still creative. Try me.

To what you’ll tell me, to the details and to your customer’s needs.

On time
When you need it by a certain date, I’ll get it to you. Even if I have to stay up all night.

Tim ‘Creative’ Vincent
Writer + nice bloke = get in touch now 🙂